self portrait
Hi, I'm Cassie and I have been a horse-crazy girl since birth. I was on a horse with my mom before I could crawl and my love for horses and everything to do with horses has always been at the center of my life.
When I was 7, The Black Stallion movie came out, and from then on, I was in love with Arabian horses especially. I was lucky enough to work for an Arabian breeder in my hometown in high school; he knew more about natural horsemanship training than many clinicians do today. I learned techniques from him 40 years ago that have become popular in the last 15 years.
I also had a very early passion for photography; I took classes in high school and have always owned at least a point-and-shoot film camera. When digital cameras became available, I started bringing my camera everywhere I went.. Photography is my favorite artistic outlet.
I completed several endurance rides in my 30's and I love that sport. I have even completed 1 100 mile ride. If you picked up on the complete vs compete...good for you. I lose my competitive nature when my horse is involved.
Currently, I have 2 Arabian mares. I trail ride and do horsemanship clinics as often as I can. I also have been attending photography workshops in my "spare" time. I work part-time as a physical therapist assistant, part-time AirBnB host, and part-time farm hand.
—Cassie Thompson